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Lunch Roundtables

MAY 28 • 11:45 - 12:45 PM

Vancouver Community College, Room 240

Roundtables are your chance to connect with other creatives in a small group setting.

Bring your questions, offer advice and participate in conversations that will leave you feeling engaged and energized.
Pricing: $10 for professionals, $5 for student focused
Sign up for roundtables when you register for the conference.

The following roundtables are available:

The need for speed: Addressing time constraints within the design process
Moderator: Kyle Schruder RGD

In competitive markets, the need for speed in all areas of business has been increasing all the time. In response to the ever increasing need for speed, how can designers develop creative solutions and contribute to business success, while staying true to effective design processes and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. What role can AI play in a designer’s efficiency? What processes and strategies contribute to cross-disciplinary collaboration and integration? Join us as we discuss the need for efficiency without sacrificing the quality of your designs or your mental health.

Futuristic fantasy to practical reality: Leveraging AI tools in the design process
Moderators: Ashlea Spitz RGD / Daniel Asel RGD
Have you experimented with AI to enhance your workflow? Have you used AI to gain insights about user behaviour? Have you used AI to boost your creativity? Join us for a discussion of designers’ experiences with AI and what impact we think it will have on the design industry

Mental health in design: Nurturing creativity and clarity of mind
Moderator: Roman Lifshitz RGD
Although the high-pressure design industry espouses “your first idea is never your best” and talks about how allowing ideas to take their own course is vital to the best outcome, it has never treated itself as well as it should. Due to inexplicable deadlines and the constant pursuit of perfection, burnout is all too common. As mental health has evolved into a mainstream topic, many initiatives are now beginning to prove their worth, allowing designers to work more in tune with their bodies. Employers are seeing the benefits of a healthy workforce and, although this may be coming too late, it is finally starting to pay dividends for employers, designers, and their clients. Equally, it’s no secret that the design industry harbors an outsized number of neurodiverse individuals; thinking differently is a prized skill in a creative environment. As these individuals find they have a voice in the industry, the industry is beginning to understand that these voices should be cherished and supported.

Challenges of working in a non-creative environment
Moderator: Diana Castaneda RGD

We’ll discuss:
– How to balance maintaining your creative integrity as a graphic designer and meeting the rigid, non-creative demands of a corporate work environment
– How to communicate the value of design thinking and creative solutions to colleagues or leadership who may not have a background in design; share strategies you’ve developed
– How to inject fresh ideas into your work while staying within the constraints of strict brand guidelines and established design conventions

Perfect Pitch: How we talk about what we do
Moderators: Nicole Vallee RGD & Paul Wilcken RGD

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